Hosted IRC and so much more.

Why Grove is better

Archives and search

All your chat logs are archived and searchable. You can access the latest messages right in your IRC client or visit the website to catch up. You can also turn off logging for certain channels if your prefer.


IRC clients

If you're a fan of IRC, Grove is the right tool for you. You can use your favorite desktop or mobile client to connect with your company's server. In addition to the usual IRC features, Grove also has built-in extras like archives and access control.

Pictured: Textual and Colloquy for iOS

Web client

Our beautiful web client means there's nothing to install. Just login and start chatting with your team. No need to force team members to use IRC at all. Popup web notifications ensure you don't miss anything when someone mentions your name.


Integrated services and workflow

Grove supports GitHub, Bitbucket, Heroku and Pivotal Tracker out of the box and we're always adding new integrations. You can also post notifications from different services to your channel using webhooks.


Private messaging

Easily exchange private messages with just one other person.


Native web notifications ensure you don't miss any messages. Type '@all' to notify all users in the channel or '@here' for just the ones online.


Grove supports SSL encryption for the website and your IRC server.

Inline images

If you post a link to an image, it will appear in the web client.

Email mentions

If someone mentions your name and you're offline, you'll know about it.

Access control

It's up to you which team members can access certain channels.

Powered by IRC

IRC is a popular communication protocol used by millions. With IRC it's easy to create channels, chat with coworkers, and send private messages — everything you need to stay on the same page.

... and many more IRC clients supported by Grove.