Remote working improves hiring bright talent

Posted by Frank Wiles on 10 April 2014

Recently came across this great post by Jeff Atwood (of StackOverflow fame among other things) on some reasons why hiring remote works improves your ability to hire top talent.

While it doesn't mention Grove directly, it does highlight why team collaboration tools, particularly chat, are crucial for remote working to be effective.

As you can imagine, we hear from lots of companies who are struggling with better integrating their remote team members. In our experience it really boils down to one simple concept. Simple to say, but hard to execute. You often hear in web circles people talking about a site or framework being mobile first to indicate it isn't a second class citizen or something bolted on as an afterthought.

When working with telecommuters, remote workers, occasional-works-from-home types, or whatever you call them in your organization the mantra needs to be online first.

Most, if not all, of your communication needs to happen online via one mechanism or another. As you can imagine we're partial to using chat and IRC, but even if it's simply email vs standing around the copier you'll have a better outcome.