Notifications, notifications, notifications

Posted by Jori Lallo on 21 November 2011

We've been listening to your feedback and have added several new notifications:

  • Email when you're mentioned: You'll now get an email when someone mentions your username while you're not around. We have found this to be helpful to know when to join the chat. Of course you can always turn this email off in your notification settings.
  • Unreads and mentions: The web client will now notify you about new unread messages and mentions in the page icon (better known as favicon). The icon will show a blue dot if you have unread messages and a red one if anyone mentions your name.
  • Desktop notifications for Chrome: Using the Grove web client in Google Chrome? Install Grove's Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store to get desktop notifications when someone mentions you.
  • support: If you would like to use Grove's web client as a desktop app, we highly recommend using for Mac OS X. Grove supports Fluid's desktop notifications (powered by Growl) and dock badges for unread messages. To install Grove using Fluid, check out our help page.

We're really excited about these new notifications and we hope that they will keep you better up-to-date on what's going on in your organization.